Monday, February 26, 2007

Thank you to all

A big thank you to everyone that came to the wedding fair at the Tara Towers on Sunday. The day went very well, great to see so many brides to be.
Fashion show was also a success ..I will post more photos for you in the coming days (thanks to Will's fancy camera work).
Also a big thank you to my helpers Karen and Lara, who made it all to go so smoothly

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tara Towers Wedding Fair

Sunday the 25th Feb you will find Karen and I at our stand at the Tara Towers Hotel .We had a great day at there fair in November ,enjoyed meeting all the brides to be.
This time I will have some designs for the 2007 season in the fashion show and will be at the stand to answer any questions you may have.
Fair starts at 2pm-5pm look forward to meeting you all